other stuff

collages (2020-present)

sometimes i draw throwies on stickers and rip them up
and layer them on masonite and it's pretty.

bedti.me (2019-present)

pictures of darkness before bedtime.
all my mutuals are astronomy blogs.

Honourably Transsexual Name (2023)

i was an honourable mention for the sexchange.tbt
Most Transgender Name Competition, for my full
name of Gwendolyssa-Elizabethuivere Beatryzce
Bunny Claudia Aube-Lamb, Marquise of the House of Lamb

SADER ONE / BOGIS 999 OSK (2006 - present)

i used to bomb a lot and somwtimes i still do.
i also have a freight moniker, she is a cute doodle girl.

liz arde (2022 - present)

i publish miscellania, juvenalia, and et cetera
under the name liz arde.

home video of oprah winfrey (2014)

i did vocals for this grindcore band as a teen :$